Rockstar Racing is the worlds hardest core dh apparel cpmpany established in 1996 by Ox O'Connell.

Orange Rockstar Racing hoody with blue leave no turn unstoned print.
Grey marle Rockstar Racing hoody with blue leave no turn unstoned print.
Black Rockstar Racing hoody with safety green leave no turn unstoned print.
Charcoal Rockstar Racing hoody with blue leave no turn unstoned  print.

"Leave no turn unstoned" hoody.

Regular price $89.00
Unit price  per 
Tax included.

Light up the turns with a "leave no turn unstoned" hoody.

Fun fact .... it's 4:20 twice a day !!

Corners are what makes life interesting. Enjoy life your way in this comfortable ethically sourced 280 gsm anti-pill poly cotton hoody that helps prevent nudity and encourages warmth. 

Sizes s ------> 5xL.

$99- (includes Nz courier).

Due to Covid, global warming, the Kennedy assassination and the small scale of our operations we may take up to  3 days to get your order away to you. Don't fret we will keep you updated.

E-mail us at if we don't have the color you want.